ISFL Rookie Guide and Tools

Welcome to the ISFL! The ISFL is a player-based sim league where you create a player and take them through their career, from getting drafted to improving their skills, signing contracts, and hopefully winning it all!

Each team is comprised of players made by real people who face off in a 16 game season that takes place over 6 weeks.

Join the Rookie Discord to join our community, get help with learning the ISFL, and finding a great place to hang out!

You also earn league cash just by joining and talking in the Discord! Every week, based on activity, you'll have money deposited automatically into your account.

Useful Resources

The ISFL is complicated for the new player, but don't worry, it gets a lot easier once you get the hang of it!

To help new users, Lt. Hudz has created a video series that goes step by step on how to create your player and get them Pro Bowl ready!